It can take many months, even years, from the initial concept of a logistics building to its inauguration. Countless aspects have to be taken into account, and many changes have to be accommodated during all planning and construction phases. But what about choosing the right logistics and warehouse software to ensure the smooth and cost-optimised operation of the building?

Optimal warehouse management – impossible without the right warehouse software!

The importance of using the right warehouse software to optimise warehouse management is often only realised when it is missing or not working properly. Unfortunately, when choosing the right warehouse management system (WMS), our customers too rarely consider the functionality and applications of the software. Choosing the right system for you will be easier if you consider a few key points.

Before making an initial selection, you should answer the following questions:

  • What is the exact scope of the software?
  • Which processes do you need to handle today and which will be added in the future?
  • What technical equipment is currently available in the IT landscape?
  • What hardware will be controlled in the future and what peripherals will be used, e.g. pick-by-voice for employees?
  • What scope of services should the software supplier cover?

The aim should be to document the requirements by creating a requirement specification.
ORGAPLAN Logistik GmbH can help and advise you in all of the above and provide you with the services you need.

We have extensive experience in the use of software in logistics companies. This means that we can either provide comprehensive advice on your logistics or support you in specific areas, such as documenting your individual processes. We are happy to act as an intermediary to ensure that the warehouse software developers understand your operational processes and can implement them programmatically.

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Team Orgaplan Logistik

As logistics consultants, we at ORGAPLAN Logistics GmbH have experience that we are happy to put to use for you, for example in the areas of

  • Preselection of suppliers
  • Matching specifications
  • Accompanying system testing

Our most important tip is to inform everyone in your company about the changeover to new storage software and to involve the right people in the project in good time!

IT Systems / WMS

First of all, let us be clear: just as developers and programmers have only a vague understanding of the logistics industry, those responsible in your company will know little about warehouse management IT. The differences between terms such as WMS, ERP or MFS are often not known. This makes it difficult to assess their significance and importance to logistics. The following overview should give you a basic idea:

  • Warehouse management software (WMS) is at the heart of your digital management system. The software is responsible for the basic management of your warehouse in terms of quantity and location.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a general term used to describe the planning and control of all resources available to a company when they are mapped in the system. Warehouse Management Software (WMS) plays a vital role in optimising warehouse management. The software is part of the overall ERP system, as well as areas such as personnel or facilities.

It is important to take a long, hard look at your company’s individual requirements. Only then can the right decision be made. It is advisable to seek the help of an external expert to help you compare and evaluate the offers from different suppliers.

Important steps before implementing the WMS

First: To ensure a smooth introduction of the new WMS, early and comprehensive documentation of all existing processes is essential. Existing job descriptions are a good starting point, but should be supplemented with detailed information. And here it applies: The more precise and detailed the requirements are, the more likely it is that they will be met by customised software.

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Rainer Wollstein

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+49 (0) 4102-66780

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Rainer Wollstein

Secondly, once a requirement specification has been drawn up, it should be used as a basis for working and negotiating with a professional software supplier. And if your company already has a management system in place, such as SAP software, this is a special case. This is because the existing system often has modules that support professional warehouse management and related tasks and help to avoid investing in completely new software. Talk to the contact person at the software company whose system you are currently using.

Once you have decided on a warehouse software supplier, the next step is to prepare a requirement specification in good time. In addition to a description of the software’s features, you will need to set out a timetable and payment plan, as well as time slots for the various testing phases. The final step in the development of your bespoke WMS is to compare the specification sheets. This will be charged for by the software supplier.