ORGAPLAN Logistik GmbH offers freight invoicing and invoice verification as a service. This provides relief and security with potential savings.
Experienced logisticians negotiate the freight conditions for a defined transport task with a qualified service provider in weeks-long tenders in the market. In addition to the actual freight matrix, conditions are agreed for special routes, surcharges for additional activities, special loading and unloading procedures and diesel – floaters and much more. At the end of the process, an invoice is produced that appears to be cost-optimal for the customer. But then the process is over. In many small and medium-sized companies without group controlling, there is no check on whether the invoices are correct in every detail. Invoices often contain errors, which can amount to as much as 10% of the individual invoice amount.
Invoice verification – typical questions:
- Are the distance and delivery quantities on the supplier’s invoice correct?
- Are the special surcharges listed justified and has the service been provided?
- What is the potential for errors in the invoices over a given period of time?
- How will my freight costs change if the quantity increases / decreases?
- Are our conditions in line with the market?
Your contact person
Stefan Ulrich
Don‘t hesitate. We look forward to seeing you!
+49 (0) 4102-66780
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Freight billing and invoice verification services
- Invoice controlling
- Simulation of invoice data based on actual delivery data
- Simulate invoicing data based on planned sales
- Carry out freight cost benchmarking within the industry
Freight invoices must be checked by a controlling body. It is not in the spirit of the audit that the person who books the service – e.g. the transport department – is also responsible for controlling and checking the invoice. On the other hand, the controlling department often does not have the necessary expertise or does not exist at all. This is where external audits come in as a one-off or recurring service.
Boundaries between freight billing, invoice verification and logistics consultancy
Sometimes, however, the boundaries between freight auditing and logistics consulting are blurred because there are often completely different issues associated with freight matrices and invoices. There is no way to assess the impact of increasing or decreasing delivery volumes. The same applies to new customers or the loss of certain groups of existing customers.
ORGAPLAN Logistik GmbH has powerful tools that can determine the corresponding monetary effects in a practical manner on the basis of existing delivery data and freight conditions or freight matrices. At the business level, the necessary decisions can be made with the help of the logistics consultants.
Are our freight rates competitive?
Another problem area is the unsatisfactory feeling that the agreed terms and conditions are actually in line with the market. This is where freight cost benchmarking comes in. ORGAPLAN Logistik GmbH has freight rate databases that are valid throughout Europe in a wide range of different sectors. With the help of a benchmark, a simulation can be used to immediately determine whether the terms and conditions are in line with the market, too expensive or, as has already happened, very cheap. Whatever the result, the company and the decision-maker are assured of the agreed rates.
Prepare business decisions
- quickly find weak points
- external view of your processes
- cost-effective, quick results